Ville Salervo (b. 1979), is a Helsinki-based, award winning freelancer and visual artist working in the fields of design, marketing and animation. He has a master’s degree in art.

In his new artworks, Ville Salervo discusses historical events, inventions and phenomena that have influenced the current state of humanity. Deus Ex Machina, “God from the machine”, is a term rooted in Greek theater. It stands for divine intervention and to the influence of an external or detached factor on solutions. The name of the exhibition also refers to Ville Salervo’s own process as an illustrator and artist.

 The diverse works in the exhibition are united by three-dimensionality and references based on history and science. On display is, among others, a new series of typographic sculptures. The deliciously colourful works are layered ensembles consisting of CNC-cut wooden boards.

Listen to Ville Salervo talking about the new exhibition, arts, science and money, as a Guest on the 6th episode of the Galleria Kuvitus Podcast. Duration 30 min. Language: Finnish. Listen on: Acast | SoundCloud | Spotify

Ville Salervo’s exhibition is also a part of the Hämeentie-party on Saturday 21 November and the exhibition is included in the programme of Kallio Kipinöi -festival week 13.-22.11.

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Valokuvat: Ilkka Vuorinen

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