Membership benefits

Grants, training, counselling – The Finnish Illustration Association (Kuvittajat ry) offers its members a wide range of benefits and opportunities.

Full member benefits

  • Opportunity to apply for expense and project grants of Kuvittajat ry*
  • Opportunity to apply for an exhibition at Galleria Kuvitus free of charge
  • Opportunity to apply for residencies (Athens and domestic residencies) free of charge
  • Right to an online portfolio at
  • Right to high quality business and legal counselling in professional matters, each 1h/year
  • Opportunity to take part in trainings and the Masterclass organized by Kuvittajat ry
  • Invitations to Christmas and summer parties and to Galleria Kuvitus exhibition openings
  • Printed professional guidebook Työn(ä) kuva (in Finnish)
  • Kuvittaja magazine four times in a year
  • Newsletter Kuvitusposti every other week
  • Access to a closed discussion group Kuvittajat ry Pro in Facebook
  • Mobile member card with discounts (including among other things, printing and framing discounts and free access to the Kunsthalle croquis drawing nights)
  • Voting right in association meetings

The membership benefits for a pensioner member are currently essentially the same as full members. For some courses, priority is given to full members.

*All professional illustrators can apply the grants, but the full membership is a positive factor when comparing equal applications.

Student and supporting member benefits

  • Printed professional guidebook Työn(ä) kuva (in Finnish)
  • Kuvittaja magazine four times in a year
  • Newsletter Kuvitusposti every other week
  • Invitations to Christmas and summer parties and to Galleria Kuvitus exhibition openings
  • Access to a closed discussion group Kuvittajat ry Pro in Facebook
  • Mobile member card with discounts (including among other things, printing and framing discounts and free access to the Kunsthalle croquis drawing nights)
  • Access to online lectures, student members can access live training via a waiting list

Benefits and opportunities with the member card

Courses and events:

Art supplies:

  • Farbe, Helsinki. –20 % from normal prices.
  • Ilves-Interiööri Oy, Helsinki. –15 % from frames.
  • Finnish Painters’ Union, Helsinki. Art materials and supplies –20%.
  • Tempera, Helsinki. The discount varies from 0-20% depending on product or product group. The discount does not apply to net or offer products. Tempera Oy reserves the right to change the discount policy.
  • Arteljee, Tampere. –20% discount on online and in-store. Discount guide available from the office
  • Snow White, Helsinki. –20% from art supplies.

Book stores:

  • Otavan kirjamyymälä, Helsinki. –30% on general literature products (fiction, non-fiction, children, and young people’s books).
  • EtanaEditions, Helsinki. -15% from books, code from office

Printing houses/digiprint:

  • Dialab Oy, Helsinki. FineArt and photo-line pigment prints –15%, primers/laminates –10%. Framing –10%.

Framing houses:

Free entrance or reduced price to cooperation museums:

Please check the place you are visiting for any discount in advance.


Polku Hotel, Nuuksio. Spring & Autumn: –35% for stays of 2 nights or more, Spring & Autumn: –20% for all stays. Spring benefits are valid until 31.5. Autumn benefits 1.10.-30.12.2024. Benefits do not apply to Sat-Sun nights in June-Sept. Codes from the office

Kuvittajat ry has shifted to a mobile member card at the beginning of 2023. If it is not possible to use the mobile membership card, or if you need help setting it up, please contact the membership secretary