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Jenni Saarenkylä

Hi hi! I'm Jenni Saarenkylä, an award-winning multidisciplinary illustrator! I graduated as an illustrator in 2009 and gained a Master of Arts in 2018 from Arts University Bournemouth. I enjoy visual storytelling and problem solving, illustrating both by drawing on paper and digitally. I've worked on animated advertising illustrations (e.g. Hammerson and Humana), packaging illustrations (Lush) and illustrated a children's storybook, exercise booklet, mobile app and a card game as part of an early childhood education project (Aikakausmedia). My illustrations have been awarded in several competitions, e.g. Macmillan Children's Book Awards, Creative Conscience and Cheltenham Illustration Awards.

Expertise: Pattern illustration, advertising, packaging, lightly animated illustration, brand illustrations, handmade fonts

The entire Adobe Creative Suite is part of my daily creative work, from Illustrator and InDesign to After Effects, which enables me to work at speed and deliver ideas and sketches to high quality final pieces even to a tight deadline!

Selected clients through the years are Lush, Burberry, Bath City, Hammerson, Yhteishyvä, Aikakausmedia, Telma, Humana, etc..