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Minna Viitalähde

Hi, I am Minna Viitalähde, a Finnish freelance designer based in Rotterman, the Netherlands. I am a versatile graphic designer and illustrator who is not afraid of colour. I enjoy creating visual identities for packaging, events, games, companies and campaigns. I like to play around with different illustration styles and choose the best-fitting one based on the project and client needs.

I have also gained success in different design contests over the years. My working languages are Finnish and English. Please check out my website to find out more.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Graphic design, visual identity design, pattern and surface design, packaging design, infographics, and (physical) product design.

Kasvishovi, Palvelutukku Pohjoinen, Pulla-Pirtti, Vuoma Company, Atena Kustannus, Anouk Ama, PUE 235, Koivulan Kotijuustola, Urheilutoimittajain Liitto, Lännentila, Kajo Jäätelö.

Success gained in design contests organized by: Adobe, EDC Las Vegas, Live Nation, Yle, Come to Finland, Arina, Kynnys ry, Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova, Liikenneturva.