Päivi Marin
Hello everyone! I'm Päivi Marin, a visual communications specialist from Porvoo, Finland. My illustration style is characterized by strong colours and graphics. I work as a visual communication specialist in publishing and printing, information visualization, video production and marketing communication. I have illustrated a children's book, publications, cards, illustrations, posters, infographics, event images and animations. I am inspired by the sea, plants, flowers, colors and their combinations, light, poetry, dreams and silence.
Central Union of Child Welfare, Save the Children, Kaapatut Lapset ry, Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters, Family Federation of Finland, Mannerheim League for Child Welfare, UNICEF Finland, National Agency for Education, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Lapsen oikeuksien viestintäverkosto, Lapsen Maailma Magazine, S-Bank, Finnish Centre for Pensions, The Finnish Government among others.