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Saara Vallineva

Hi! I am Saara Vallineva, an artist, a storyteller and an explorer. I am an author-illustrator of children’s books. I have a small business The Running Rabbit where I illustrate stationery and other printing products as well. My work is intertwined with travelling and that is a great source of inspiration for me. I am always searching for treasures. I illustrate with a mixed media technique in which I combine gouache painting, drawing, monoprinting and collage. I work fervently and aim to work by hand as far as possible. In my work I am interested in the poetry of an image, textures and brush strokes, as well as nature and depicting sensations.

Children's book illustration, writing, international way of working, various arts and craft techniques and vast knowledge of materials.

Enostone Publishing (Finland), Bespoken International (USA), Kiki's Charity (USA/Bangladesh), Woodmansterne Publications Ltd (UK), Bazar Publishing (Finland)