Aleksi Korpela
Hey! I am a Tampere-based illustrator, visual artist, graphic designer and children's book author.
I do commercial illustrations, illustrate children's books, and make visual art. In my work, I strive for a combination of colour harmonies, flowing lines, rich details and strong form. I want to create images that convey warmth, humanity and the joy of creating.
I graduated from Turku Art Academy as a visual artist in 2015 and since then I have worked as a visual artist, illustrator and graphic designer.
I do very versatile assignments, so don't hesitate to contact me!
During my career, I have illustrated visual identity, books, album covers, posters and infographics.
My visual style is rich, harmonious and beautiful. I am a skilled draughtsman and have sovereign control over large entities. I mainly work by hand, but I also do digital illustrations.
Otava, Mainostoimisto Briiffi Oy, Oma yritys-group, Niskanen Production Oy
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s book / Otava
Click to see more about the project.
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s Book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s Book / Otava
Click to see more about the project.
Children`s Book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s Book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s Book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s Book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s Book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s Book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s book / Otava
Click to see more about the project.
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Children`s book / Otava
Could a mouse with a good heart and nimble kinks become a hero? The fearless Field Mouse tests his heroism by, among other things, fighting a Cokchafer that enslaves locusts, speaking sense to completely shaken lizards, and rescuing his friend Shrew from trouble. But most of all, he realizes that everyone can be a hero in their own way.
Poem book for Childrens / Otava
Rakas pieni untuvainen Runokirjassa ihmetellään sormia ja varpaita ja taaperoiden touhuja. Välillä runot vievät metsän taloon ihastelemaan vuodenaikojen vaihtelua. Metsän kätköistä löytyy linnunlapsen laulupuu, pikku kettu ruusukuono ja monta muuta hellyttävää tassuttelijaa ja siivekästä.
Lyhyisiin loruihin kytkeytyvät leikit luontuvat vaikka lapsen kanssa sylikkäin. Hurmaava kuvitus lumoaa niin isot kuin pienetkin runohetken viettäjät. Täydellinen lahja vauvaperheisiin
Poem book for Childrens / Otava
Click to see more about the project.
Poem book for Childrens / Otava
Rakas pieni untuvainen Runokirjassa ihmetellään sormia ja varpaita ja taaperoiden touhuja. Välillä runot vievät metsän taloon ihastelemaan vuodenaikojen vaihtelua. Metsän kätköistä löytyy linnunlapsen laulupuu, pikku kettu ruusukuono ja monta muuta hellyttävää tassuttelijaa ja siivekästä.
Lyhyisiin loruihin kytkeytyvät leikit luontuvat vaikka lapsen kanssa sylikkäin. Hurmaava kuvitus lumoaa niin isot kuin pienetkin runohetken viettäjät. Täydellinen lahja vauvaperheisiin
Poem book for Childrens / Otava
Rakas pieni untuvainen Runokirjassa ihmetellään sormia ja varpaita ja taaperoiden touhuja. Välillä runot vievät metsän taloon ihastelemaan vuodenaikojen vaihtelua. Metsän kätköistä löytyy linnunlapsen laulupuu, pikku kettu ruusukuono ja monta muuta hellyttävää tassuttelijaa ja siivekästä.
Lyhyisiin loruihin kytkeytyvät leikit luontuvat vaikka lapsen kanssa sylikkäin. Hurmaava kuvitus lumoaa niin isot kuin pienetkin runohetken viettäjät. Täydellinen lahja vauvaperheisiin
Poem book for Childrens / Otava
Rakas pieni untuvainen Runokirjassa ihmetellään sormia ja varpaita ja taaperoiden touhuja. Välillä runot vievät metsän taloon ihastelemaan vuodenaikojen vaihtelua. Metsän kätköistä löytyy linnunlapsen laulupuu, pikku kettu ruusukuono ja monta muuta hellyttävää tassuttelijaa ja siivekästä.
Lyhyisiin loruihin kytkeytyvät leikit luontuvat vaikka lapsen kanssa sylikkäin. Hurmaava kuvitus lumoaa niin isot kuin pienetkin runohetken viettäjät. Täydellinen lahja vauvaperheisiin
Poem book for Childrens / Otava
Rakas pieni untuvainen Runokirjassa ihmetellään sormia ja varpaita ja taaperoiden touhuja. Välillä runot vievät metsän taloon ihastelemaan vuodenaikojen vaihtelua. Metsän kätköistä löytyy linnunlapsen laulupuu, pikku kettu ruusukuono ja monta muuta hellyttävää tassuttelijaa ja siivekästä.
Lyhyisiin loruihin kytkeytyvät leikit luontuvat vaikka lapsen kanssa sylikkäin. Hurmaava kuvitus lumoaa niin isot kuin pienetkin runohetken viettäjät. Täydellinen lahja vauvaperheisiin
Poem book for Childrens / Otava
Rakas pieni untuvainen Runokirjassa ihmetellään sormia ja varpaita ja taaperoiden touhuja. Välillä runot vievät metsän taloon ihastelemaan vuodenaikojen vaihtelua. Metsän kätköistä löytyy linnunlapsen laulupuu, pikku kettu ruusukuono ja monta muuta hellyttävää tassuttelijaa ja siivekästä.
Lyhyisiin loruihin kytkeytyvät leikit luontuvat vaikka lapsen kanssa sylikkäin. Hurmaava kuvitus lumoaa niin isot kuin pienetkin runohetken viettäjät. Täydellinen lahja vauvaperheisiin
Brandillustration / Niskanen Production Oy
Commercial illustrations for Kaunis-product family
Brandillustration / Niskanen Production Oy
Click to see more about the project.
Brandillustration / Niskanen Production Oy
Commercial illustrations for Kaunis-product family
Brandillustration / Niskanen Production Oy
Commercial illustrations for Kaunis-product family
Brändikuvituksia / Oma Yritys-group
Bannergraphics for website
Brändikuvituksia / Oma Yritys-group
Click to see more about the project.
Brändikuvituksia / Oma Yritys-group
Bannergraphics for website
Brändikuvituksia / Oma Yritys-group
Bannergraphics for website
Brändikuvituksia / Oma Yritys-group
Bannergraphics for website
Pattern desing for Children`s book / Otava
Pattern desing for Children`s book / Otava
Click to see more about the project.