Hello! I am Aunis Ahonen, an illustrator and graphic designer from Helsinki, Finland, with a Master of Arts degree in Graphic Design from Aalto University. I produce illustrations for a wide range of needs, such as magazines, books, print products and digital environments.

Imaginative characters, playful shapes and color compositions are central to my illustration work. My illustrations have a gentle approach to the world, often interspersed with themes of identity and fantasy. Illustration can bring warmth to the contemporary world.

I create illustrations both digitally and by hand. I also do motion graphics, pattern design, and graphic design commissions. Contact me and let's talk more about your needs!

Aalto University, Flow Magazine, Kulttuurivihkot, Niin & Näin books, The Finnish National Gallery, Teos Publishing, Otavamedia Oy, The National Museum of Finland, The Finnish Psychological Association, Tulva – a Feminist Magazine, Viinilehti, YLE Dokumenttiprojekti