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Emmi Jormalainen

Hi! I'm Emmi Jormalainen. I have a wide range of visual communication skills. I work with illustration and graphic design as well as concept design. Feel free to contact me when you need either illustrations or help with bigger visual communication tasks. I’m hoping to work especially with clients who want to give both people and the environment a better future.

• 25 published children's books
• Winner of Nordic Design Competition 2020 Osaka, Japan
• 1st prize: Mikkeli Illustration Triennial 2020 Mikkeli, Finland
• Awarded Silent Book Creator

Brand illustrations, children’s books, silent books, character design, handmade typography, visual storytelling and package design.

Commissioned illustrations for Koli National Park, Siemenpuu Foundation, National Audiovisual Institute Finland, IBBY Finland.

Book design and children’s book illustrations for publishers Otava, Teos, Sammakko and WSOY/Bonnier.