Hi! I'm Maija Hurme, an illustrator, writer and journalist. I create children's picture books, non-fiction books and editorial illustration. At the moment I work as a visual journalist at the national broadcasting company Yle (but I take commissions for 2024). I mainly work in Finnish and Swedish, but I am fluent in English as well.

A wide range of subjects interest me, and I enjoy creating illustration that open up complex issues and make them understandable.

As a children's book creator I am specialised in depicting children – the important details and emotions that encircle childhood.
Lately I have started trying out animation in my own, personal projects, and a light animation is possible even to commissioned illustrations.

Schildts & Söderströms, Finland
S&S Publishing, Finland
Etana Editions, Finland
Lasten keskus, Finland
Otava Publishing, Finland
Bonnier Carlsen, Sweden
Olika förlag, Sweden
Vombat förlag, Sweden

Other clients:
Hufvudstadsbladet (newspaper), City of Heinola, Kulturfonden, Early Childhood Education Teachers' Union of Finland