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Martta-Kaisa Virta

Hey, I'm Ma-Ka, Martta-Kaisa Virta. I have been working as an illustrator since 2012.
I am currently doing magazine illustrations for Kirkko ja kaupunki magazine’s opinion column for the fourth year. I receive the opinion piece every other Wednesday and send the finished illustration to the editor on Thursday. Quick schedules are one of my strengths.

I do a monthly illustration for Mondo travel magazine. I am currently working on 4000 symbols, which I will draw for a communication app by spring 2024.

I'm also working on my comic which is completed alongside other work.

I love all kinds of drawing and I like to paint big with acrylics. My work is layered with ink, watercolour, and digital colours. I’ve been living in Berlin for 14 years, and I have two lovely kids. My husband is also a Finnish artist.

I have many years of experience in magazine illustrations. I have also been praised for my imagination.

I do my illustrations by hand, drawing in ink on paper, but I like to vary the colouring according to the commission, from fully digital colouring to watercolours. I use Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator as software. I speak German, English and Finnish.

Merkitysten Matematiikka
Puhetulkit Jutuksi Oy, Finland
Auslandsgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. Germany
Kirkko ja Kaupunki magazine, Helsinki
Mondo travelling magazine, Finland
Suomi-koulujen tuki ry, Finland
Polle-Kinder comic magazine, Germany
Minikustannus Oy, Helsinki, Finland
KAVI, Media Literacy School, Helsinki, Finland
Ministry for Foreign affairs Finland Together with Isobar Agency, Helsinki, Finland
Salon du Livre Jeunesse 2016, Evreux, France
Psykologi magazine, Finland
Journalisti magazine, Finland
Local newspaper Paimio-Piikkiö-Sauvo, Finland
H2Ö-festival, Turku, Finland
Arkkitehtitoimisto Petri Pussinen Oy, Tampere, Finland
Lux Helsinki, Helsinki (Light Art festival in Helsinki)