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Mira Emilia Aro

Hello everyone! I am Mira Emilia Aro, an illustrator, visual artist and graphic designer. As an illustrator, I am client-focused and curious, ready to be inspired and committed to exciting commissions. I have created illustrations for books, advertisements, association, corporate, municipal and project communications, as well as printed products.

I’m able to take on commissions in 2024!

I mostly illustrate digitally, but also use traditional techniques when necessary. I am happy to help if you need vibrant and clear design. I offer professional illustration services for both web and print.

Forum Virium Helsinki, Parkly Oy, The Copyright Information and Anti-Piracy Centre, The Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature, Goethe Institute, Municipality of Hämeenkyrö, Vuokraturva-Yhtiöt Oy, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, City of Kankaanpää

"Mira's strong expertise and wide interest in children's book illustration has been a great asset to the The Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature. I warmly recommend Mira for a wide range of positions in graphic design and illustration."

– Kaisa Laaksonen, Executive Director, The Finnish Institute for Children’s Literature

"Mira is a highly skilled and client-oriented illustrator, whose personal creativity blossoms beautifully hand in hand with careful and sensitive listening to the client's wishes. The service is effortless and comfortable, but with an edge in the execution. And the schedules always hold."

– Timo Metsola, CEO, Vuokraturva Oy