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Petteri Mattila

Hello! I'm Petteri Mattila, an illustrator from Vantaa.

As an illustrator I work on a variety of commissions. All kinds of projects inspire me. My work is always done digitally.

Most of my illustrations have a realistic painting style, but I also do comic-like story illustrations.

I have been working as an illustrator at Taidepalvelu Dipinto Oy, a company founded in 2012.

I have several years of experience working digitally – this makes me flexible to the needs of the client. I also create the layouts for products I’ve illustrated, such as signs and publications.

Etelä-Suomen Sanomat newspaper, Sunnuntaisuomalainen newspaper, Municipality of Sipoo, WSOY publishing, Päivälehti Museum, City of Kerava, Kirkko ja kaupunki magazine, Sanoma Magazines Finland, Maahenki publishing, City of Lahti, Ilta-Sanomat newspaper, Iltalehti newspaper, EKS institute, Otava Publishing, OVV-Asuntopalvelut, Vantaa Entrepreneurs, Restaurant Shamrock Vantaa, Hotel Vantaa, Väli-Suomen media, Vanda Svenska Församling, Into publishing, Innox, Posti Oyj