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Pinja Meretoja

Hi, I am Pinja Meretoja, an illustrator and graphic designer from Helsinki. In 2017 I graduated as an illustrator in Buenos Aires (Universidad de Palermo), and before that I studied graphic design in Finland. More about my work history and CV on LinkedIn. I work full-time as a freelance illustrator, while also doing some graphic design. I accept job offers, so don't hesitate to contact me. Check out my CV and work history on LinkedIn as well. My working languages are Finnish, English and Spanish.

Mostly I do magazine illustrations and brand images, besides writing and illustrating picture books. Currently I am working on a graphic novel for adults. I illustrate digitally on a graphic tablet.

BBO, Blue Wings, Ehrmann, Hartwall Novelle, Helen, HUS, Image magazine, Into Publishing, Journasti magazine, Kanava magazine, Kennelliitto, Kosmos Publishing, Like, Leivon Leipomo Oy, Metsäyhdistys, Opettaja magazine, Primula, Elovena, Ryhmä Creative, S&S Publishing, Tammi, University of Turku, Valio, Valmet Automotive, Volkswagen, Yhteishyvä magazine, YLE, Yliopisto magazine, 10Monkeys