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Pirita Tolvanen

Hi! I am Pirita Tolvanen, an Illustrator and Information Designer from Finland. I'm passionate about illustrating data.

My debut non-fiction picture book The Flying Finn – Life of Jarno Saarinen was highly commended at the World Illustration Awards in 2019. The book was chosen a finalist for the Sports Book of the Year 2018 in Finland. The second non-fiction picture book I illustrated, Rally Team, was chosen to the collection of the Most Beautiful Books of 2021. It received a Merit Award in the 3×3 International Illustration Annual No.19.

I am a Fulbright alumni: My scholar project in 2021-2022 combined data visualization and children's nonfiction picture books. I continued the research in Finland after the grant period and as an outcome I published a Manifesto on Illustrating Data. I write a blog called Illustrating Data (

I am particularly good at map illustration and illustrating accessible data and infographics. I love working with charts, graphs, and other numerical data. My style is perfect for technical subjects such as vehicles or heart rate monitors.

Publishers Weekly (US), several ministries and other public organizations as well as magazines in Finland.

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of Justice, Publishers Weekly (US), Ulkopolitiikka Magazine, Vuokranantaja Magazine, Osuustoiminta Magazine, The Association of Finnish Nonfiction Writers, YLE, The Finnish League for Human Rights, Edita Publishing, Ketokamu, Ministry of the Environment, City of Tampere, The Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland SASK