Terese Bast
Hello! I'm Terese Bast, and my company is Kapsel Illustrations. I am a visual artist by training and currently my passion is to illustrate other people's texts and ideas as a freelancer.
I am happy to accept design projects for books, their covers and articles and other printed products, such as various cards and company logos. If, in addition to the above, you have other assignments that require visual implementation, I would be happy to hear about them. Check out my previous work and clients on my website.
I have illustrated several children's books and materials aimed at children as well as educational materials. My illustrations often feature nature-themed elements and these themes also inspire my other work. I create impressive graphic stories that convey messages visually and perceptually.
Tammi, Lasten Keskus, Otava, Schildts&Söderströms, Myllylahti, Tactic Publishing, Aurinkokustannus, Karisto, Interpedia, Sanoma pro, University of Lapland, University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä, Niilo Mäki institute, Folkhälsan, Rehabilitation Foundation Happymoor, Terveystalo, Valio, Libraries (Vaasa, Pietarsaari, Kokkola), Valteri Centre for Learning and Consulting, Print&Media, Lukuliike, Lukiloki, Natur och miljö, Marthabladet, Barntidningen Eos, HBL junior, Katternö, Interpedia, Luckan i Åbo, FDUV, Sanomalehtien liitto
Illustrations for children's books
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Charcter illustrations
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