Find an Illustrator

Tuuli Pursiainen

Hi, I'm an illustrator and designer from Helsinki.
My style is expressive, playful and the use of colour plays an important role in my illustrations. Visual storytelling and creating ambiences are close to my heart, and inspire me as a drawer. I perceive the world through colour, and work most often with line. I strive to capture emotion, touch on something relatable and create narratives within each piece. Humour, fantasy, fairy tales and nature themes are often present in my work.

Technical flexibility and listening carefully to my client's wishes are my strong suits as an illustrator. Creative collaboration often results in something truly wonderful. I have done illustrations for children and youth, magazines, events and marketing, textbooks and covers, posters and music. I also design characters, prints and draw short animations. In addition to illustration, I do graphic design, and teach at LAB Institute of Design and Fine Arts.

More of my illustration on my website.

Children's and youth's illustration, nature themes, characters, prints, editorial illustration, fantacy, line drawing, digital painting

Otava, Edukustannus, Advokaatti magazine, Lastenklinikoiden Kummit, Suomen Luonto magazine, Suomen Luonnonsuojeluliitto, Art Fysio, Suomen Asianajajaliitto, Dance Health Finland, University of Lapland, Tampere University, Mirri Creative, Solstice Magazine UK, Lahden Museot, Saarijärvi-Salovesi vesiensuojeluyhdistys