Find an Illustrator

Camilla Englund

Hi there friend, I am Camilla Englund (she/her), the owner and founder of Planet Milla. I am a diverse illustrator and I base my choice of technique and medium on the client's vision and brief. My goal is to always give any client an end product that they are very happy with – good communication is key.

My usual process is to sketch out several rough proposals and ideas based on the brief. We can then discuss them further, and I'll move forward with one idea. I prefer to know deadlines well in advance since I like to, if possible, work within a feasible timetable. E-mail is my preferred mode of communication.

I love to make metamorphic illustrations in which people and plants merge. I also enjoy illustrating witty and thought provoking imagery. Do browse my online store for original works as well as art prints and stickers.

Please contact me for pricing information!

My absolute strength lies in visually implementing an abstract concept. Digital illustration and vector graphics are my aces (ProCreate, Affinity Designer, Illustrator). I offer custom made "stickers" for social media. I also love working with ink, gouache and acrylic paints. I am really, REALLY passionate about getting to know new techniques and materials!

Satumetsä, Clara et Pascale, Metsähallitus, Vaasanseudun areenat, Mustasaaren kunta, Vasabladet, Bragen ulkoilmamuseo, No per di Tempo

"Camilla has illustrated several of our favorite posters and 'spiced up' and lightened up bureaucratic documents with explanatory illustrations. We are grateful for her responsiveness to our requests and happy for her resourceful suggestions. We appreciate her for adapting the style to the assignment, everything from imaginative figures to graphic, realistic reflections”

– Annica Reini, Cultural Secretary of the Municipality of Mustasaari