Hi! I'm Iida Kiela, an illustrator and cartoonist. I'm originally from Rauma, Finland, and now live in Spain. I am a fan of fiction, board games and video games, and I am lucky enough to have worked with all of them! I have won national comic competitions and comic projects have always existed alongside my other work, sometimes commissioned and other times done on my own.

I adapt to each project and am used to working both alone and as part of a larger team. My working languages are Finnish, English and Spanish. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from the University of Málaga and have been involved in many international projects. Working with me is flexible; depending on the client's needs, I can be the executor of their vision or take greater responsibility for the creative process of the project.

Most of my work has been done for projects in the game industry, whether it's concept art for the development process or marketing material for the finished game. However, my illustrations are also suitable for books and board/card games, and I can offer clients a variety of styles depending on the project. I work digitally, mostly in Photoshop or Procreate.

Game industry: Vela Games, Systemic Reaction (Avalanche Studios Group), Jagex. For these and numerous other companies I have done illustrations through the Irish RAID studio.

Books: Victor Peralta (author), GAIA (educational illustrations).