Hi! My illustration style has been described as retro, humorous, whimsical and harmonious. I am good at listening to the customer's needs and quick to make trial illustrations. I stick to a very tight schedule. I like to do book and magazine illustrations, covers and infographics, patterns, vector illustrations, logos etc.

I have illustrated two children's books (Tarinoita ratikoita, Helsinki City Museum & Into Kustannus 2022 and Kaplamak, Tammi, 2024). I made illustrations to the Tram Museum's lobby locker, key ring and workshop cabinet doors. I also did the graphic design and illustration for Helsinki City Museum's advent calendar 2022. In addition, I have created a visual identity for e.g. recordings, posters, company logos, etc.

My own projects often have a broken color scheme, the patina of time and the play of colors and shapes. My education is Master of Arts + Master of Education.

Mostly I illustrate digitally, but I also make pictures using more traditional methods. I also like to photograph and do graphic design. I also do motion graphics.

I have made a scalable image to a large size, for example, for the Tram Museum's image enlargements.

Helsinki City Museum,
Into Kustannus,
Tram Museum,
Oulu University,
Taito liikuttaa,
Kajaani amateur theater,
Seurasaaren ystävät Ry