Julia Janka
Hi, I'm Julia Janka, an Tampere based illustrator, fine artist and graphic designer. Variety and exploring different genres are the key elements of my work: I paint and photograph, illustrate natural scientific materials as well as books and book covers, and design textures and patterns. I also create illustrations and murals both in interior spaces and outdoors. Thanks to my traditional education in the arts, I master several painting and drawing techniques. As a graphic designer, I’m also an accomplished digital illustrator.
I specialize in natural science illustrations. I prefer to paint species descriptions and biotopes with watercolors, but for example, I illustrated the Urban Rotten Wood Guide book and the ecological compensation board game called Offsetting Game, digitally.
Publishing houses: Minerva Kustannus, MEAN Publishing, Opinkirjo
Advertising and communication agencies: Genero, Mediasignal, TBWA Helsinki, MCI Press, Booming Strategies, Marketing agency Deeper, Mrs Designer
Organizations e.g. City of Tampere, City of Oulu, City of Nokia, Tampere Public Transport, Tram Alliance, UPM, Metsäkeskus, Viherympäristöliitto (Green Environment Association), Ekokumppanit (Eco partners,) Vihervuosi, Tampereen Vihreä Viikko (Tampere Green Week), Villi Vyöhyke ry, Diabetes Research Foundation, Katrin, Bioretec, Celgene, Häme Liikunta ja Urheilu, Santa Maria texmex, Ekman Law, Huittisten Säästöpankki, My Country Home, Villa Harmonie, Modus ry and Taidesuunnistus ry
Magazines: Kirkko ja kaupunki, Tampereen Luonto (Tampere association of the Finnish Nature Conservation Association), Kidd.o, Lakimiesuutiset
Offsetting Game / University of Tampere
We have designed a card game for 4-12 players which has different aims and uses.
Research outcome: simulate, analyze and communicate societal effects of biodiversity offsetting practices;
Collaboration and education tool: enhance interaction and social learning among stakeholders (potentially) practicing offsetting and among students and other people playing the game;
Research tool: collect new kind of research material on offsetting and publish research articles
Nature conservation is a complex and conflict prone field where different actors, interests, practices, points of view and policies come together. Biodiversity offsetting is hoped to prevent, alleviate and resolve conservation conflicts and environmental harm, and bring flexibility to planning and development. However, it is also feared to be only greenwash and lead to even bigger loss and degradation of biodiversity.
Biodiversity offsetting is a relatively new tool in nature conservation and planning. Our project focuses on Finland where no official policy or legislation on biodiversity offsetting exists and thus the practices are developing.
The project is funded by Kone Foundation and it is hosted by the Faculty of Management and business of Tampere University . The project is led by Dr.Sc.(Admin.) Nina V. Nygren.
Offsetting Game / University of Tampere
Click to see more about the project.
Offsetting Game / University of Tampere
We have designed a card game for 4-12 players which has different aims and uses.
Research outcome: simulate, analyze and communicate societal effects of biodiversity offsetting practices;
Collaboration and education tool: enhance interaction and social learning among stakeholders (potentially) practicing offsetting and among students and other people playing the game;
Research tool: collect new kind of research material on offsetting and publish research articles
Nature conservation is a complex and conflict prone field where different actors, interests, practices, points of view and policies come together. Biodiversity offsetting is hoped to prevent, alleviate and resolve conservation conflicts and environmental harm, and bring flexibility to planning and development. However, it is also feared to be only greenwash and lead to even bigger loss and degradation of biodiversity.
Biodiversity offsetting is a relatively new tool in nature conservation and planning. Our project focuses on Finland where no official policy or legislation on biodiversity offsetting exists and thus the practices are developing.
The project is funded by Kone Foundation and it is hosted by the Faculty of Management and business of Tampere University . The project is led by Dr.Sc.(Admin.) Nina V. Nygren.
Enrich Nature -project / Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation
Enrich Nature -project / Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation
Click to see more about the project.
Nature guide / City of Oulu
In Villi vöhyke ry, we do nature conservation and e.g. we establish meadows. This is an experimental seaside meadow with seeds we collected from the nearby area, and the customer wanted an information sign, which I illustrated and implemented.
Nature guide / City of Oulu
Click to see more about the project.
Nature guide / City of Oulu
In Villi vöhyke ry, we do nature conservation and e.g. we establish meadows. This is an experimental seaside meadow with seeds we collected from the nearby area, and the customer wanted an information sign, which I illustrated and implemented.
Nature guide / City of Tampere
Nature guide / City of Tampere
Click to see more about the project.
Nature guide / City of Tampere
Nature guide / City of Tampere
Nature guide / City of Tampere
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Tree-hugging Week 2020 / Viherympäristöliitto
The purpose of the tree-hugging week is to show that we value the diverse green areas of our environment, such as forests, parks and nature trails. I designed the logo for the event organized by the Green Environment Association in 2017 and I have made its illustrations for 2017, 2018 and 2020.
Tree-hugging Week 2020 / Viherympäristöliitto
Click to see more about the project.
Enrich Nature calendar / Maj and Tor Nessling Association
Enrich Nature calendar / Maj and Tor Nessling Association
Click to see more about the project.