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Mari Huhtanen

Hello! I'm Mari Huhtanen (she/her), an illustrator, graphic designer and animator. Together with my husband we work in our studio Kilda in Helsinki. I enjoy drawing people in various everyday situations. I mainly work digitally using the vector drawing program Adobe Illustrator. I communicate in English and Finnish.

In new projects I create a mood board to get a glimpse into the client's mind, what they like and dislike. After a pencil sketch I draw a clean version in Illustrator. The colors and details go through another round of fine-tuning. The process, including comments, usually takes a week or two.

I do a lot of illustrations for public organizations, for whom diversity in the illustrations is an absolute must.

I enjoy adding movement to my illustrations through animation.

City of Helsinki, DigiFinland, Greenpeace, HundrED, Language Experts, Publishing house S&S, Lekolar, Ministry of Education and Culture, Prime Minister's Office, The Union of Academic Museum Employees, University of Helsinki

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