Hi, I'm Rosa Kansala (she/her), an artist and illustrator from Rovaniemi. I am an educated graphic designer (Karelia University of Applied Sciences) and currently I'm studying to become a Master of Arts at the University of Lapland. I do commissioned art, illustration and graphic design.

I prefer to make my illustrations by hand and adding only the finishing touches digitally, but I also have experience in digital painting and mixed techniques. My heart lights up when I get my hands on a good story or a funny character. I love organic textures, but I'm also capable of fulfilling neat and tidy vector graphics.

I can communicate in Finnish, English and Dutch. I also know some Swedish and a little French. Working together with me is flexible and possible also remotely. I still have some room for commissions for the upcoming fall.

I'm specialized in watercolor illustration. As a graphic designer I have a good understanding of layout and print production and thus can help you with your project from start to finish.

Yellow Film & TV Ltd, WSOY, Sydänlapset ja -aikuiset ry, Luotoluoto Ltd, Tablebed Ltd, University of Lapland, Kuusamo Music Camp, Susiraja Sports Reporters' Association