Find an Illustrator

Tuija Fagerlund

Hi there! My name is Tuija Fagerlund (she/her) and I am an illustrator, game artist, and creative designer from Helsinki. My style is graphic, playful and colorful. To put it briefly; I love to make visually striking art. I listen to my clients' needs and by discussing them together I create the desired illustration according to the brand’s needs and values. I am inspired by cartoonish style, cute animals, and Japanese aesthetics.

Please check out my portfolio and come say hi!

I have experience working with brands and I specialize in vector art. I use digital tools. I have created illustrations for advertisements, UI icons, websites, applications, games, and magazines. I love to design characters with various personalities. I have a knack for 3D art and I’m experienced in the material texture process, so I am interested in pattern design as well.

Nutricia, Duuable, Palringo Ltd, Republic of Communications, Kelloggs', Delish, Lionsgate, Ruokatieto ry (FINFOOD), IR Visual Works, Valmennuskeskus Public, St. Hurmos, Kokkolan Energia, Culture Services of Mikkeli City, Aalto Oy, ELOISA