Autumn 2023 Course Calendar
The registration links for this autumn’s courses will open on Friday August 25 at 9am. The themes are:

On this page we have compiled only the courses held in English. The entire Course Calendar can be found here.
The professional training offered by the Finnish Illustration Association to its members is free of charge for participants. The training is financed by copyright fees collected by Kopiosto.
Please note:
Courses are booked on a first-come, first-served basis. If you wish to enroll in more than one course, we advise you to start enrolling in the course that interests you most.
Courses organized in person are primarily offered for members with full membership. Student members and support members are welcome to register for the courses organized online. Student members can also join the waiting lists of the workshops. The Association will reimburse travel costs up to 80 euros to members who participate in in-person courses, and live outside the Uusimaa region. The reimbursement is based on the most inexpensive public transport travel option and only in-person training, not Illustrators Clubs. More information about the travel subsidy: emilia.alm(at)
The registration for courses is binding. Please inform us no later than one week before the course when canceling the registration. Cancellations that come after that period without a medical certificate will be charged a cancellation processing fee of 20€. More information about the courses and canceling: veera.pekkinen(at) Cancellations of Zoom lectures for the general public do not need to be reported to the office.
The Finnish Illustration Association follows the Guidelines for Safer Spaces in its events. If you experience or notice any kind of harassment or inappropriate treatment, please contact our staff.
Have a nice training time!
Course calendar

Patata School
Online training (in English) in 3D & animation at a date of your choice between August and December 2023.
Organizer: Patata School
Capacity: max. 16 people
Cabeza Patata‘s Patata School offers a wide range of online courses from animation basics to character creation and character animation. Courses focus on the use of the free Blender and subscription-based Cinema 4D, with an emphasis on Blender.
Check out Patata School’s course selection >
Here’s how it works:
“At Patata School you’ll get tutorials starting from zero, easy to follow, and with practical and beautiful examples. Once you purchase your membership, you’ll automatically get access to the entire Patata School library.”
The Finnish Illustration Association offers a 1-month Patata School membership to the first 16 illustrators who sign up. The participating illustrators will register for Patata School themselves and pay the course fee (36 €). The Association will reimburse the registration fee to the participants upon receipt. The course(s) of your choice can be started at a time that suits you best during 2023. In a month, a dedicated student can take a couple of courses from the selection. Return receipts for reimbursement no later than 1.12.2023 by e-mail: veera.pekkinen(at)
The course is fully booked.
Sign up for the waiting list >

Portfolio Tales: Character Workshop & Portfolio Review for professional illustrators
Organizer: Napa School
September 14–15 2023
Location: Napa Agency, Pursimiehenkatu 13 A 3, Helsinki
Napa Arts & Licensing Agency – creative agency specializing in illustration – holds a character workshop and a portfolio & brand review for professional illustrators, together with teacher and artist Jenni Saarenkylä from the Arts University Bournemouth.
The two day event includes a well known service of Napa Agency: portfolio & brand review. For the first time it will be held with a specific theme, as we focus on how to write a good artist story. On the second day of the event illustrators will attend a character workshop called “Once upon a creature” held by Jenni Saarenkylä. The event will end with an after work party, where the participants get to know each other and the agents & artists of Napa Agency.
Registration for this course ended on August 20 2023.
This course is fully booked.

Instructor: Juan Molinet
The masterclass on character design will begin with a public lecture on the work of Juan Molinet. In the days following the lecture, Molinet will guide illustrators through the secrets of character design in an intensive workshop. Work will be done by hand and with your own equipment.
The public lecture is open for everyone.
You are welcome to registrate the workshop if you have a full membership and you haven’t taken part in our Masterclasses in the last two years. (2022 Beatrice Allemagna, 2021 Charlotte Mei)
Juan Molinet is a Buenos Aires born illustrator, character designer and AD who lives and works in Berlin. His clients include Unicef, The Guardian (UK), Le Monde (FR), Disney XD (US), Unilever (US), Cartoon Network (US), Nickelodeon (US), Nescafé (CAN), Pictoplasma (GER), Godaddy (US), Oyedrops (NORWAY), Molinos Rio de la Plata (AR), Gallo Oro (AR), Cadbury (US) and Liza Aceite (BRA).
Public lecture
Wed November 22 at 12–1pm
Capacity: Max 100 participants.
Kookos Auditorium 1, Haapaniemenkatu 6, Helsinki.
The auditorium is located on the first floor of the main building of the Theatre Academy, on the street level. The building is accessible by wheelchair.
Register for the Masterclass Public Lecture >
Intensive Workshop
November 23–24 at 10 am– 5 pm
Capacity: Max 12 participants.
Luova kulma, Hakaniemenkatu 5, Helsinki
Lunch & coffee: The Association provides the participants with lunch and afternoon coffee.
Travel support: Please check the box on the registration form if you are using the travel subsidy. Receipts and further information on travel support: emilia.alm(at)
The course is fully booked.
Sign up for the waiting list >
Autumn’s Illustrators Clubs
offer help to cope with the demands of creative work, peer support for portfolio building, and multidisciplinary networking.